Application Tech
A typical DD application employs the following technologies:
Amazon Web Services (AWS):
- Hosting, domains, load balancing, and content delivery networks
- Containerization of application environments
Python + Django:
- Backend programming language and framework
Nginx + Gunicorn:
- HTTP(S) Server and Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI)
- Relational Database
- Frontend Framework to create an SPA (Single Page Application) User Interface
A simplified structure of a small application may look like the following:
flowchart LR
subgraph S1 ["Typical Small Application (Simplified)"]
direction LR
A[(PostgreSQL<br/>Database)] <--> B{Python+Django<br/>Backend};
B <--> C((React.js SPA<br/>Frontend));
E[(3rd Party<br/>Data Source)] --> B;
C <--> D[End-user];
Information Overload?
We embrace an educational philosophy ensuring our client's preferred tech understanding is accurate.
Development Tech
We employ the following technologies to streamline our development phase:
GIT Version control repositories (AWS CodeCommit):
- Provides an iterative framework for tracking code
- Provides clear client and inhouse communication channels
- Error management and tracking
- For containerization and provisioning of development environments
- For building thorough software documentation
- For wireframing, prototyping, and UI design in initial phase of development
Google Cloud:
- Provides video meetings, and file management of documents, spreadsheets,
and important files
2-Factor Auth:
- Enabled on all development accounts to be sure sensitive information is
never in the wrong hands
AWS Backup:
- All project resources are backed up into the secure cloud on a daily basis
Click below to learn how these technologies apply in the Development Process.